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Feng Shui Bedroom





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Feng Shui Bedroom(圖1)-速報App

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice meant for promoting health and bringing fortune in various ways. It includes various elements that will provide solutions to problems in life. Some of them include astronomy, astrology, mathematics, physics, and philosophy that aim at harmonizing energy in life. It is widely used in homes, offices, and other places for decoration purposes to maintain positive energy effectively.

Feng Shui for a bedroom

A bedroom in a home is the right place for relaxing mind and body. It even covers privacy to a couple, child and individuals while performing important activities. At the same time, people should focus on increasing the energy flow for ensuring better sleep.

Feng Shui bedroom involves a variety of things and one should know more about them in detail. The first and most important aspect is positioning and placing a bed in the right direction for ensuring major advantages.

It is advisable to place in one of the directions such as East, North West, West, South West, and South East for undergoing major changes.

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Feng Shui bedroom tips

Having a good Feng Shui bedroom will promote vibrant, sensual and nourishing energy that can ultimately help to accomplish goals in life. It is necessary to follow some tips for making the bedroom a better place for sleeping.

• Making sure that the bed is placed in good height for balancing energy flow

• Having two bedside tables

• Keeping a bed away from the door

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• Using high-quality air-purifiers to maintain a bedroom in a fresh condition

Although there are various types of mattresses available in the markets, one should choose the right one wisely that promotes good sleep.

There are some things to avoid in Feng Shui bedroom for gaining more advantages. Some of them include television, computer, exercise equipment, mirrors, furniture items, unmade beds, king mattresses, shiny surfaces, sharp edges, and corners.

Decorating a Feng Shui bedroom

Feng Shui Bedroom(圖4)-速報App

Color is the most important thing that plays an important role in influencing mood as well as the moods of a person. Therefore, it is a wise one to choose the right colors when decorating a bedroom with Feng Shui. The artworks must display messages with innovative ideas for inspiring people who occupy a bedroom.

It is necessary to choose the colors and artworks which work best for a Feng Shui bedroom that can help to promote positive energy levels. Another thing is that they give ways for ensuring soothing effects on the body to undergo major changes.

The best colors are the skin colors that can range from pale white to dark chocolate brown. People can even accessorize bedroom spaces with candles, Feng Shui symbols, and a bowl of rose quartz. All of them are a suitable one for increasing love, affection, relationships, romance, and sleep in a bedroom.

The anyone who wants to get more ideas about Feng Shui can consult with experts for inducing powerful energy. Also, they provide ways for experiencing peace of mind from the busy lifestyle with necessary elements.

In this application You will find:

Feng Shui Bedroom(圖5)-速報App

• How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom

• Placing Your Bed for Good Feng Shui

• See The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Layouts

• Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

• Easy Ways to Rest Better and Even Improve Your Relationship

Feng Shui Bedroom(圖6)-速報App

• Create the Ideal Bedroom Arrangement Using Feng Shui

• And more useful Feng Shui tips

Feng Shui Bedroom(圖7)-速報App